animals in society, language
Comments 2


Pinnacle of speciesism: when an animal is reduced to her function or yield  
Animals are not ‘egg’, ‘bacon’, ‘wool’ or ‘milk’, but each and every one sentient feeling beings, who can suffer pain, each with their own individuality.

White frame with black silhouettes of resp. a cow, sheep, pig, chicken, on top of each other, with white letters written inside: milk, wool, bacon, egg


Spotted in a shop in Valkenburg (the Netherlands)


  1. Wow… disgusting. I’m always so saddened and angered to see gross decorations like this. Carnism is truly an embedded ideology built on terrifyingly inhumane, oppressive framework.

  2. Pingback: #191 Mango avocado salad at burgerbar Pistache, Valkenburg (NL) – The Bruges Vegan

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