outside Bruges
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#34 Our lunch at vegan restaurant Vegaverso (2), Leuven *****

Restaurant review #34 – This was our second visit to vegan restaurant Vegaverso in Leuven, which opened only a couple of months ago. We already blogged about Vegaverso here, and in that blog you can also see photos from Vegaverso’s interior.
Vegaverso is the second all vegan restaurant in town (the other one is the Loving Hut), and just around the corner from vegan shop SHAVT.

We were there for a quick lunch. We had these juices from isis, bitter lemon and apple sparkle, 2,50€ each.

— UPDATE – see below —

isis juices, 2,50€ each

isis juices, 2,50€ each

As we had both eaten sandwiches on our previous visit to Vegaverso, we wanted to try the burgers. We had a de luxe burger soft (8€) and a smokey burger (8,90€) with a bowl of salad on the side (don’t remember the price of that). The ‘bacon’ in the smokey burger tasted creepingly real! Or as real as we both could remember what bacon actually tastes like (being nearly 20 years ago that we both had eaten any). The burgers are huge (for the record, you can also order a mini burger for 4€), and taste very nice (they are seitan based), with a good proportion of sauce and salad in between the buns. Too big to eat with your hands though, and too much bread for my liking (I only ate half the bread, my partner was happy with that and then ate 1,5 bread 😉

smokey burger with 'bacon' (8,90€) and deluxe burger soft (8€).

smokey burger with ‘bacon’ (8,90€) and deluxe burger soft (8€).

Although we only wanted a light lunch, we couldn’t resist orderering two pieces of vegan pie. Afterall, finding vegan pies in a restaurant in Belgium is so rare, we wanted to take advantage of the occasion! We had a piece of vanilla pie, and raspberry pie, each 5€. They were double layered cakes with frosting in between and on top. the cakes were really light and delicious, the frosting was a bit heavy on powdered sugar tough, a bit overkill. Nice nonetheless.

Vanilla pie and raspberry pie, 5€ each

Vanilla pie and raspberry pie, 5€ each

Vegaverso also sells a selection of products from vegan chocolatier ‘Confisserie Jonas‘ from Oudenaarde. So we couldn’t resist buying some chocolates and cuberdons. More about those here.

Vegaverso, location
Tiensestraat 20
3000 Leuven

— UPDATE – unfortunately CLOSED

See our lists of restaurants where vegans are welcome in the menu section of The Bruges vegan! List restaurants in Bruges and outside  Bruges.


  1. Tilly says

    thanks for the nice review , we are glad you enjoyed your second visit . The side salad costs 1 euro by the way 🙂

  2. Thanks for this cool review! I am going to eat there tomorrow again! Last time, I was too full for dessert! 😉 Yummm! The right cake looks very pretty & smashing too! Those burgers look huge & tasty!

  3. Pingback: #90 – Nice lunch at Vegaverso, Louvain (3) | The Bruges Vegan

  4. Pingback: #90 – Nice lunch at Vegaverso, Louvain (3) **** | The Bruges Vegan

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