kitchen & garden
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Dehydrating figs – and other homegrown fruits and vegs

I still have plenty of dried figs from our fig tree. I put some on my breakfast granola every day. 🌿🌾🌿🌾

dehydrated figs – homegrown

A food dehydrator is a great way to preserve large quantities of produce:

➑️ it doesnt require a lot of electricity (like a freezer)
➑️ it requires less storage (the foods are shrunken)
➑️ the dried food retains more of the nutrients than frozen or homecanned foods
➑️ a very long shelf life! (years!)

It does cost a bit to buy a decent one, but it’s a great investment. Also if you’re in an organisation with access to a lot of fresh produce at once (but too much for the moment) it’s really worth considering.

I sometimes buy a whole box of ‘overripe’ bananas at discount price and put them in the dehydrator. 🍌🍌🍌🍌
You do need some jars for storage though (old jam pots can also do). I got this lot from a friend πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’š

Pretty happy we bought the dehydrator years ago. πŸ‘ It’s a nine tray Excalibur.

Next to dehydrating I also preserve homegrown produce in the freezer and do canning (#weck).

I have dried pumpkins, tomatoes, eggplant, bananas, zucchini, bell peppers, herbs, apples, pears, … You can dry them in slices (as ‘chips’) or for tomatoes for example make a sort of soup and dry the ‘pancake’, why gives you tomato leather.

Here are some more photos that I posted on Instagram over the years about dehydrating food (mainly produce from our garden).
If you want to see the dehydrator in action, look at the clip of the zucchini slices.

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